Friday, March 9, 2012


So it's official, I will be running my first half and full Marathon this year! I never thought those words would come out of my mouth, I mean who is crazy enough to pay that much money to run 13.1 miles/26.2 miles!? Well apparently I am... so expect to see my adventures of training
for these two races :)


Erica Gorman said...

Cute blog! I had to stop by when I saw your name on My Little Celebration as the winner. Good luck on your two races and for the craziness of spending money, I have two half and two full's on my calendar this year and dear hubby has a half and two full's.

Heather Gastardi said...

Thanks so much! I didn't even know I won until I saw this comment :P Good luck with your races as well! I look forward to checking your blog out :)